Originally Published January 4, 2022 | Updated December 28th, 2024

It’s a new year, which means your Town property tax bill is due soon – on January 31st to be exact.

You should receive your tax bill in early January. Then, it’s time to pay it and you’ve got options. Town of Thompson Receiver of Taxes Heather Berg shares important updates and deadlines for 2025. Note that many of these changes went into effect over the past few years, but we want to ensure you are away of them.

Q) What’s new for paying taxes?

A) There are 6 big changes to be aware of that have occurred over the past few years.

  • E-check payments are $1.50 and now available at taxlookup.net. Enter your property identifying information and then PROCEED to PAYMENT. You will have to ACCEPT the displayed credit card fee in order to advance; once you are at the payment screen, select the tab for E-check and wait for the fee to adjust. You will know you are at the right screen once the fee adjusts and you are prompted to enter your bank routing and account numbers.
  • ACH payments are also now available! To set up an ACH payment, please call the tax office at 845-794-2500 extension 320 between 9am and 3pm, Monday through Friday, or email taxcollector@townofthompson.com.
  • The tax office is now located at the rear entrance of the Town Hall – the same entrance as the court entrance. See below for hours.
  • Only exact payments will be accepted. No change will be available for cash. Check or money order is preferred.
  • Contactless payments are available at the Town Hall via a drop box (remember, exact payments are required) or a credit card kiosk at the tax payment window.
  • ***Your tax payment must be made out to Heather Berg, Receiver of Taxes.*** Checks made out to any other person are not endorsable and will be returned.

Q) When is my property tax bill due?

A) Your Town of Thompson property tax bill is due on January 31st, 2025 – or it must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service by this date. If we receive your tax payment after this 31st, you are subject to the following late penalties:

  • February – 1%
  • March – 2% plus a $2.00 surcharge per parcel
  • A reminder notice will be sent to all property owners with unpaid bills on or about March 5th. After March 31st, there will be a 5% penalty payable to County Treasurer, plus interest compounded to date of payment.

Q) How can I pay my property tax bill?

A) You’ve got many options for paying your tax bill. See below!

  • In-Person at the Town Hall: Mon – Fri, 9am – 3pm
  • Contactless at the Town Hall: Mon – Fri, 9am – 3pm
  • In-Person at Catskill Hudson Bank: in Monticello at 4445 State Route 42 N or in Rock Hill at 244 Rock Hill Drive during regular business hours.
  • Via Mail: Make checks out to Heather Berg, Receiver of Taxes and mail to PO Box 240, Monticello, NY 12701-3221
  • Online: You can pay via credit card at taxlookup.net. There is a 2.65% fee for credit card transactions required by MuniciPAY. You can also pay via e-check at the same website – the fee is only $1.50 (see instructions above).
  • Wire and ACH transfer: Wire payments are $20 per transaction, and ACH payments are free. To set up these payments, please call the tax office at 845-794-2500 extension 320 between 8:30am – 2:30pm.

Q) If I haven’t received my property tax bill, am I still responsible for making a payment?

A) Yes! You can look up what you owe, here: www.TaxLookup.net. (Select Sullivan County, and then Town of Thompson).

Another reason you may not have received your tax bill is that we have an old or incorrect address on file for you. If your address has changed, you must change it *in writing* with the Assessor’s Office so you receive future property tax bills. Fill out this 1-page change of address form. Then, either mail or bring in a copy of this form to the Office of the Assessor at the Town Hall along with a valid form of i.d. such as a driver’s license.

Q) Can I pay my tax bill in installments?

A) Yes. However, there are fees associated and you must pay 50% of the tax due by January 31st to be enrolled, see below:

  • January – 50% of tax bill with 0% interest due by – 1/31/25
  • February – 25% of tax bill plus 1% interest due by – 2/28/25
  • March – 25% of tax bill plus 2% interest and $2 surcharge by –3/31/25

For more information, please contact: Heather Berg, Tax Receiver, 845-794-2500 ext. 320.