Over the past few years, Thompson has gotten a little more colorful thanks to new gardens blooming in unexpected places: exits, entryways, and roundabouts.

It’s all part of an exciting plan becoming reality. The Grow the Gateways Strategic Plan was adopted by the Town in 2017. The plan’s goal is to ensure that all major entry points into Thompson provide a positive first impression.

Part of that visual “wow” factor includes carefully planned and planted gateway gardens, maintained by the Town Parks and Recreation Department. Most gardens also incorporate vibrant blue signage at the center of each bed.

With funding and support from Sullivan County as well as additional funding and expert gardening guidance from Sullivan Renaissance, these gateway gardens are doing their job – impressing visitors and instilling pride in residents.

Let’s take a look a closer look at all the beautiful gateway gardens, including the most recent addition in Rock Hill…

Another Reason That Rock Hill “Rocks”

Gateway Gardens Rock Hill Garden

In the heart of Rock Hill, the Town of Thompson Parks and Recreation team lead by Jamie Ferriero installed an updated garden in front of Pizza the Rock this year. Work started in the spring, when Jamie cleared out the bed and planted perennials such as cornflowers, lilies, sage, and ornamental grasses along with some annuals. Jamie also fixed the sign, and repainted it as well. The Town will continue managing and maintaining this vibrant garden greeting all who enter Rock Hill.

The next step is to plant even more perennials in spring 2023. The Town hopes that local businesses will follow the lead of the Parks and Recreation team and either install or update gardens, creating a ripple effect of beautification across the community.

The Word ‘Round Town: The Exit 106 Roundabout Looks Great

Town of Thompson Roundabout at Exit 106

In the Fall of 2021, thousands of drivers were treated to a new view as they entered Thompson via the Exit 106 roundabout off Route 17. In the center of the roundabout, a lush garden and bright blue sign replaced what was once just grass. At first, the vision was to install public art. However, the consensus was that art would be too distracting and dangerous for drivers. Instead, the garden and sign meet the safety requirements for height so that drivers can see across the roundabout.

While flowers, grasses, and shrubs make up most of the gateway gardens, the sign at each garden’s center is equally important – as well as consistent across all locations. The Exit 106 sign is emblazoned with the words “Town of Thompson” and is similar to new signs throughout the Town: at the additional gateway gardens, the Town of Thompson Town Hall and even at the 3 new Town Parks.

The signs have a unique 3D effect because they were all carefully designed by Dorene Warner of wDesign and then hand-crafted by Nicole Camacho of Fine Hand Sign.

The Exit 105 Interchange is Where it All Began

Exit 105 is Where it All Began

Just down the road from the 106 Roundabout is the Exit 105 Interchange off Route 17. This is the exit you’d take if you were heading into the Route 42 business corridor in Thompson.

The Exit 105 area was originally part of Sullivan County’s Adopt-an-Exit program, but the Town took over the garden in 2019 and essentially started from scratch after removing the existing plantings. The new landscaping was thoughtfully planned with expert guidance from then Sullivan Renaissance’s resident horticulturist Diana Weiner.

Diana selected plants that would repel wildlife to help keep both drivers and animals safe from the busy highway. She chose shrubs that wouldn’t grow too high and block the sign welcoming drivers to the Town. The plantings were also primarily perennials, which return each year – and require less watering from the Town of Thompson Parks and Recreation team.

Now that the Exit 105 Interchange garden has been established for a few years, the plants have matured and look full of life with large, healthy blooms. The Parks and Recreation team have stayed on top of the garden: weeding, pruning, and perfecting this gateway garden.

This orderly and thriving garden provides a powerful visual statement to all who enter the Town…that this a community that takes pride in its people and places.

A Warmer Welcome at the Route 42 Intersection Near Exit 105

Rendering of Mobile Sign

After taking in the pleasing view at the Exit 105 Interchange, drivers arrive at the Route 42 intersection and the start of its business corridor.

The same Town of Thompson sign comes into view, this time sitting atop a “Welcome” sign set into an impressive, attractive stone monument.

The gateway garden at the Route 42 intersection is expansive and has just undergone recent updates. Again, you’ll find the Town of Thompson Parks and Recreation team hard at work maintaining this large bed from spring through late autumn.

As you continue along Route 42, you’ll notice even more signage along utility poles – all in the Town’s signature, stately blue.

By now, the hope is that each driver has had numerous positive interactions with the Town, simply by viewing the well-kept gateway gardens and signs. Perhaps this happens on a subconscious level, yet the message comes through loud and clear: Thompson is a great place to live, work, and play.