It’s time to get your child signed up for YMCA Summer Camp, held at East Mongaup River Park! A parent or guardian can sign up their child/children during the following time:
Saturday, March 23rd, 2024| 9am until 1pm at Thompson Town Hall, 4052 Route 42 in Monticello
The Town of Thompson YMCA Summer Camp runs daily from 8:30 am until 5 pm, July 1st through August 16th. Camp is open to children ages 5-14 (must have turned 5 by December 1st, 2023). Note: No camp on July 4th, 2024.
Save time by filling out and printing the 2024 Form for YMCA Summer Camp in Thompson and bringing it with you on registration day.
To register, bring a copy of your child’s current immunization records and proof of Thompson residency. Proof of residency items include current utility or sanitation bill, tax bill, mortgage statement, printed rent receipt, report card, or letter from school. Registration must be paid in full. The cost is $350 per child. Early Drop Off is available at 7:30 am for an additional $130 per child so your total due on registration day would be $480.
Registration is limited to the first 225 children – first come, first serve!
*If you plan to use a credit card to pay, there is a 2.65% processing fee.
Questions? Contact Melinda at 845-395-1024 or email