Dear Neighbors and Friends:

Here are important updates to some Town Departments. These are in addition to these department updates I announced on 3-24-2020.

Remember we are working together and we will get through this.

Thank you,

William J. Rieber, Jr.
Town of Thompson
845-794-2500 Ext. 306

Tomorrow’s deadline has not been extended.

By NYS Office of Court Administration directive the offices are closed until further notice. Communications can still be mailed in, however no mail will be opened until the OCA allows it.

Building Department:

The Govenor has ordered all non-essential construction must be suspended. Essential construction, for example construction on roads, bridges, transit facilities, homeless shelters and health care facilities, may continue. 

Non-permitted construction: No permits will be issued and no inspections done on projects that are not specifically permitted under the Governor’s executive order. Contractors are reminded that those violating the Executive order are subject to a fine of up to $10,000 for each violation. The notice below was sent to us from the Governor’s office. Please note that these orders may change at any time. Please refer to the NYS site for updates.

Additionally, the Governor has defined essential construction services in part 9 of Executive Order 202.6. That section is also pasted below:

9. Construction

All non-essential construction must shut down except emergency construction, (e.g. a project necessary to protect health and safety of the occupants, or to continue a project if it would be unsafe to allow to remain undone until it is safe to shut the site).

Essential construction may continue and includes roads, bridges, transit facilities, utilities, hospitals or health care facilities, affordable housing, and homeless shelters. At every site, if essential or emergency non-essential construction, this includes maintaining social distance, including for purposes of elevators/meals/entry and exit. Sites that cannot maintain distance and safety best practices must close and enforcement will be provided by the state in coordination with the city/local governments. This will include fines of up to $10,000 per violation.

For purposes of this section construction work does not include a single worker, who is the sole employee/worker on a job site.

• We will continue to review plans submitted electronically to the best of our ability with our remote access plan so that when the ban is lifted work may progress as expeditiously as possible.