Melody Lake Water District
- Melody-Lake-Water-District-Proposed-Increase-in-the-Maximum-Expenditure-for-Improvements-from-375000-to-400000-–-Resolution-Preliminarily-Approving-Including-the-Boundary-Description.pdf
- Melody-Lake-Water-District-Proposed-Increase-in-the-Maximum-Expenditure-for-Improvements-from-375000-to-400000-–-Making-Certain-Determinations-Resolution.pdf
- Melody-Lake-Water-District-Proposed-Increase-in-the-Maximum-Expenditure-for-Improvements-from-375000-to-400000-Negative-Declaration-Under-SEQR.pdf
- Melody Lake Water District Proposed Increase in the Maximum Expenditure for Improvements from $400,000 to $506,600 - Negative Declaration Under SEQR
- Melody Lake Water District Proposed Increase in the Maximum Expenditure for Improvements from $400,000 to $506,600 - Making Certain Determinations Resolution
- Melody Lake Water District Proposed Increase in the Maximum Expenditure for Improvements from $400,000 to $506,600 - Resolution Preliminarily Approving
- Narrative Description of Proposed Melody Lake Water District Boundary
- Melody Lake Water District Order Calling Public Hearing on Bonding for New Well House Project - 09/03/2019 at 7PM
- Public Interest Order - Melody Lake Water District Bonding for New Well House Project
- Bond Resolution - Melody Lake Water District Bonding for New Well House Project