If you haven’t received your tax bill by now, you still need to pay it by January 31st to avoid penalties. The Town must receive payment by, or if mailed, postmarked by January 31st. The Town is not allowed to waive late charges. To make a payment:

  1. Pay online or see your bill here: https://www.taxlookup.net/tax/search.aspx?jurisdiction=thompson&year=2025
  2. Pay in person at the Town Hall at the Tax Collector’s Office, M-F 9am to 3pm
  3. Mail payments to PO Box 240, Monticello, NY 12701 (NOTE: your payment must be postmarked by January 31st)
  4. Pay in person at Wayne Bank at 4353 NY-42 in Monticello

For more information, visit https://townofthompson.com/government/departments/tax-collector/