The Town of Thompson is soliciting feedback from local residents and businesses that will be used to update the community’s comprehensive plan (also called a master plan). “The comprehensive plan is a document that provides direction on policy recommendations related to municipal services and future development,” explained Bill Rieber, Thompson’s Supervisor. “Public participation is an important part of the planning process, and we want to know what local residents and businessowners feel are the most pressing issues facing the Town today.”

For now, residents can provide feedback in one of two ways – by completing an on-line survey or filling out a feedback form on the comprehensive plan website ( Paper copies of the survey can also be picked up at Town Hall. Survey responses will be collected through July 31, 2023. Please provide clear and concise responses to aid in the analysis and review.

Starting in May, the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee – a 13-member committee appointed by the Town Board — will be hosting a series of informal “conversations over coffee” at various locations throughout the Town. In the meantime, residents can check the website ( for meeting notes and updates on the committee’s progress.

Anyone with questions or who would like to be added to an outreach list for future updates should contact Jill Weyer, the Town’s Director of Community Development at