Dear friends and neighbors: I know you are on information overload so please bear with me while I bring you up to date. We have been in contact with local, State and Federal officials and have been monitoring information, directives, and advice from many sources.

This information changes drastically from hour to hour and in many cases minute to minute. We are charged with continuing to provide public services to our residents while at the same time protecting our valued employees and volunteers. You may check this link of Coronavirus Updates for the latest Town-related information.

To accomplish this responsibility, I will be declaring a State of Emergency incorporating the following directives:

· The Town Hall will be closed to the general public until further notice. Should anyone have an urgent need please e-mail me at and I will see that it is directed to the right place.

· Staffing in the Town hall will be reduced to as close to 50% as possible. Where possible employees will work from home electronically.

· Phones and email accounts will be monitored so you can conduct your business remotely. Contact information and current COVID-19 information can be found on the Town website. Many forms are available through the website and Town employees will assist you when needed by phone.

· It is vital to public health to operate and monitor our 17 water and sewer districts 24/7. To that end, we will have rotating crews so that while one crew is working the other(s) will be at home.

· Highway workers will be instructed to stand ready at home for 14 days, so they are available immediately in the event of a weather emergency or for snow and ice control responsibilities.

· Every employee from any department will be subject to re-assignment wherever needed and shall be required to perform functions beyond their normal job assignments if necessary.

· Town Clerk Marilee Calhoun and Deputy Town Clerk Kelly Murran will rotate their presence at the office so that the responsibilities for that office are fulfilled. Both Marilee and Kelly will have the ability to work remotely and can issue burial permits remotely. Other documents such as hunting and fishing licenses, birth and death certificates must be printed at the Town Hall.

· Taxes can be paid by mail, at Catskill Hudson Bank or online at The deadline for payment of taxes to the Town is March 31. This is a state-imposed deadline, should anything change I will issue a public statement.

· The building department will continue to do plan review, inspections and issuing building permits (applications are online). Inspectors will rotate being in the building and working remotely. Municipal searches will also be done.

· Court is closed for trials and vehicle and traffic ticket matters. You can pay fines and such by mail or by calling the office for additional methods that may be made available.

· Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings will be POSTPONED as will any hearings scheduled for any of the meetings. When they are re-scheduled, official notice will be posted on the Town website. Notice may also be advertised in the Sullivan County Democrat.

· Your Town Park is open however buildings will be closed with no new bookings. There will be no large gatherings permitted. Come and take a walk along the river and enjoy the fresh air!

This is a very difficult time for everyone. A lot of sacrifice is being asked for the good of all. We will be investigating avenues to aid our local businesses struggling to survive. If we can identify Federal, State or Local assistance I will publish it and do whatever we can to assist. Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy and we will do whatever is necessary to help maintain continuity.
Thank you and be well.

Bill Rieber, Town of Thompson Supervisor
845-794-2500 Ext 306