While the State has recently announced that summer camps may open this summer, the Thompson Town Board has made the difficult decision not to sponsor the YMCA Camp at the Town Park for the 2021 season.

Concerns for the safety of campers and staff is in the forefront of this decision. Other factors considered were requirements for social distancing, limited occupancy of the indoor facility, as well as meeting all COVID-19 restrictions and protocols. Reviewing the requirements, it was felt we were not able to achieve them. The number of campers that could participate would have to be reduced while the cost would increase. One outbreak and the camp would have to close leaving parents and guardians scrambling for alternate arrangements.

As an alternative, the Town is looking into offering community programs and events at the park facilities and possibly sponsoring a trip. Any suggestions or requests can be sent to parksandrecreation@townofthompson.com or call 845-796-3606.

The Town Board hopes to bring camp back in 2022 when the spread of COVID-19 is no longer a serious risk to the health of others.


William J. Rieber, Jr.

Town of Thompson Supervisor